Originally Posted By MarkM
Flip the car over.

Nope, then I would have to post "How to avoid getting oil on the underside of my hood at oil change" and no one would be able to help!

In all seriousness the aluminum foil sounds like the route to go as I prefer doing changes with a warm engine. It also along the lines I was already thinking of needing something flat or blanket like, but with raised ends to prevent it just running down the low end and onto the collector.

With wide foil seems like I should be able to cover the tubes and fold up the ends to create a dam at the low end and channel it back down the sides and into the drain pan.

The last post about the soda bottle, I'll totally be using for small engine stuff.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Last edited by Michael Ecks; 10/01/17 11:24 AM.

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