Thanks Diplomat, some great information here in the other threads, I had found the first one before but not the others. The spreadsheet sounds great, unfortunately I couldn't get Excel to recognize it - any chance you can save as an Excel and re-post?

Although I think my configuration is close to "correct" per the AFR numbers I am still going to try some more options to see if my seat of the pants gauge shows any improvements!

Re the comments on Edelbrock rods, I made a couple from these rods BUT a couple of issues, they do not have the small 'cruise' center portion and the taper is too steep.
I used the cheap method to modify. Start with a rod that is a little larger than the sizes you are aiming for (or if you are lucky exactly right) put in the new bend then mounted an electric drill in a vise, clamped the rod in the drill and then VERY carefully use miniature files to ""turn"" down the rod at a slow/medium drill speed and finish off with emery cloth. Bit fiddly but works if you are careful!!
