Here's a question: Has anyone ever created a master list that has each year's colors with the year designation? This would be an undertaking, especially considering some colors were offered model specific (i.e. 1970 Y2 Plymouth only, or Imperial deep colors).

Like range of years for WW1 vs EW1.
This thread TB3 replacing EB3 in 1972 is perfect example where a list would help (but confusing since 999 was available "Petty Blue" earlier). Speaking of 999, that would add another layer to the list.

I couldn't find a quick reference list, so started one for myself. The only way I know how is to compare each year paint chip info with Chrysler DT/PPG code to see what year it applied and when it changed.

I gave up, it was a huge task. Has anyone with a slant towards paint, like Cuda Cody, done this?