G-Bob, since you are so close to Bobs shop, I would take a little drive over there so you can see the low mount alternator setup that he has that is to be used in conjunction with an electric water pump. My brothers car runs a Meziere electric water pump on the street and its fine when its cool outside. However his is only the 35gpm version. I have heard that the bigblocks have a 55 gpm version by meziere and they have no street cooling issues. If I was you I would definitely do the Meziere with the low mount alternator/brackets/pulleys that Bob has over there. The belt ends up being very short and the alternator is out of the way. Bob sells the ones made by a company called Doty.com. VERY nice stuff. They are worth power to. My friends car picked up 2.5 mph when he swapped to an electric water pump. Thats all he changed!

10.53 @ 125mph. 1.37 60 foot. Caltracs and Monoleafs, AFCO shocks.

CP Pistons, PC Carbs.