Originally Posted By jbc426
Originally Posted By madscientist
Can you post a picture of the sweep pattern. The width is what's important. It's more important than having the pattern centered.

I tried to get some clear pictures of the rockers with the valve closed, open half way and all the way; but they did not come out well. I'll try again this weekend.

Might not be worth your time, John. Apparently, these rockers have been made before, which is odd, because I paid a custom charge to have T&Ds engineer draw up a NEW rocker profile to MY specs. Regardless, it's nothing new, and your free information has no value here. Go out and enjoy your car, because these guys already have it all figured out. Too bad they didn't tell us a long time ago.

Mike Beachel

I didn't write the rules of math nor create the laws of physics, I am just bound by them.