Originally Posted By justinp61
Originally Posted By fast68plymouth
Originally Posted By krautrock
BPE, it sounds to me like you've gone above and beyond what is the usual good customer service. up

100% !!!


I don't know many businesses that would what Rod has done.
He went above and beyond. I knew he was solid the first time I talked to him. I have stated that fact many times.

If more businessmen had the ethics and values that Rod has, things would be a lot better all around.

Personally, I would rather have them found the issue, grind on another pair and just send them to me. I even told Rod I'm more than happy to be their "test mule". I have a solid bottom end just sitting here, and a dyno 20 minutes away. I really wanted to "stay in the loop". I STILL feel that way.

I could be wrong, but I have a gut feeling that big egos get in the way. And it ain't mine or Rod's. Couple posts here made me feel like someone was talking down to me.

Like I said, I could be wrong. Won't be the first time.