I use amp connectors for ring terminals, they have a metal sleeve that crimps up on the insulation and acts as a strain relief. http://www.mouser.com/pdfdocs/ENG_DS_82042_StdTermsSplices_0708.pdf

I also buy cheap zip ties, run the wires to where they are going, zip tie in place, if you need to add another wire, more zip ties until its done then cut off the majority and finish by using only zip ties with the metal locking clip. I got the last bag of 300 from Fastenal for $46.00.

Last edited by astjp2; 04/27/17 10:38 PM.

1941 Taylorcraft
1968 Charger
1994 Wrangler
1998 Wrangler
2008 Kia Rio
2017 Jetta

I didn't do 4 years and 9 months of Graduate School to be called Mister!