it shouold be producing spark the whole time while im crankin the engine over to run.
Correct EDIT whats left is the pickup and an intermittent connection somewhere. I would make up some jumpers with alligator clips/proper as needed connectors & sub em in one circuit at a time to pin it down. keep the battery charged & even better would to elim the pickup then use a spare dist (even a /6 one) to do the triggering to save the starter/keep from running the battery down. I'm assuming the ECU has a good ground since you changed it out & on the wiring only the ECU and the coil need to be fed in ign2 and the 2 wire connector between the pickup and ECU needs continuity as does the 2 wires connecting the coil/ECU for it to fire as long as all of those are correct.

Last edited by RapidRobert; 02/21/17 01:19 AM. Reason: more info/thought

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