Lets do this, hook everything back up & hold the coil secondary wire (dist end) 1/4" away from the intake (ground) and with the dist pickup zigzag pull apart connector seperated, drag the male tip end of the body half across the intake surface (ground) & see if the coil wire sparks (do it with key on and with key held to start with the yellow wire terminal pulled off of the "ign" terminal on the starter relay). then reconnect the zigzag connector and remove any and all wires off of the dist neg primary post (might just be the one) and with a jumper wire connected to the coil terminal itself (not to the ring terminal you removed from it), tap tap the other alligator clip on the other end of the jumper to the intake & same thing see if the coil wire sparks (with key on & key held to crank). Holler back.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth