Lots of great information here! After reading this and researching on the Net, I decided to go with;

Wiseco KO122A100 .030' over, 2.065 comp. height

With the aluminum closed-chamber 80cc 440-Source heads, a FelPro .039' head gasket, factory LY rods, minimal block decking to leave pistons .005' down in the bore. I calculate the final compression ratio at around 10.5 - 1, which is right what I wanted. The valve reliefs subtracted 4cc from the equation...

Minimal balance is required as the piston weight is not too far from factory.

I worked on this with my machine shop guy and we believe we have it nailed down correctly.
Anyone care to try to confirm our work?

Last edited by Suregrip; 01/12/17 05:21 PM.

Some people you just can't reach...