Originally Posted By therocks
Jack a guy that was a member her bought Big Bird.Monte was working on it.I tkink BK thought he was going to make a million running it.If I remember it went overseas.I think he sold the molds to someone also.He found out its costly to run one.had a buddy with a nitro HD.he found out that 14 K for a motor was pricey especially when they didnt last long.Then add fuel, transport, driver etc.Rocky
Not exactly how that story went. BK flew me to Texas to look at the car. I looked at it, he bought it and I brought it home. We planned to run it at the time in Outlaw Street, with me driving and maintaining car. I went through everything on the car to get it race ready. BK spent a lot of money and I invested a lot of time and my own money. I ran the car a few times at Huntsville in Outlaw Pro-Mod. Then I took the car to St Louis for Monster Mopar or some event and BK and his kid were there. This was the first time he had seen car since the day he bought it. Shook the tires hard and broke the wishbone, so never made a good pass. But at this event, apparently his kids fire for racing came alive. After that, Dallas just couldn't get enough and all he cared about was cars, where he had never shown remote interest before. Dave(BK) made the decision that if he was going to spend that kind of money on racing, that he should do it on cars he and his kid could race. And they are still racing together today and has spent a boatload of money on it. So while I was obviously disappointed with not being able to continue with the Bird, I totally understood Dave's position and respected it. Which was watch your money race, or you and your kid use it to race. Easy call.