Weather was nice today and I was in town for once, so off the track I went. It's the 1/8th mile track I used to own. I drove the car in, put 1/4 tank of 112 in just to be on the safe side. I drove up to the scales and weighed the car. With me in the car, along with various crap I had, the car came in at 3820. That was a totally full tank of gas and full methanol. I weigh about 170lbs right now. The scales might be a tad off as they were having a little issue, but I imagine this is pretty close.

I had no clue what to expect. I'm running on the 20" HRE's with Nitto's. The car is set on low boost. I figured I'd just walk it out and try to get into the boost around half track and see what happens. I couldn't make myself do a burnout, I like the paint too much . I just drove up, staged up and off we go.

The first two runs were fun. I went through first with no boost, got into 2nd and the boost came on pretty quick, too quick. So quick that I had the [Edited by Moparts - Keep it clean] end break loose big time and point itself towards the wall. I quickly let out of the gas and she straightened right up. I made 8 passes today, some variation of that happened on about 6 passes haha.

I ran the car 3 passes at a time with no waiting. The car never got over 185 degree's. My best pass of the day was as follows:

60': 1.808
330': 4.605
1/8th: 6.702
Mph: 119.06

On this pass I got it into 2nd pretty quick and slowly built the boost in and got it into 3rd. The car was running like a mother on the back half. Car was as smooth as silk. Never gave me an issue, never darted, just straight as an arrow. I was very pleased with this run. As you can see from the 60' time, I have a ton of ET left. I made a bunch of runs in the mid-low 7's at over 110mph. All of those runs, the car either spun the tires in 2nd or it went sideways and I had to get her straight. I have no doubt in my mind that I'll go into the 9's as soon as I hit a 1/4 mile track.

I drove the car out, went to the grocery store, got my food and came home. Never a spit or sputter. To run like that on the lowest setting the car has, under the conditions I had it in, very excited. I'm going to play on street tires for awhile and worry about the slicks later.