i ain't got no dog in this fight
but i do see a few disturbing things
that have me shaking my head!

all i know in business 101....

and this is how we roll on the job every day

number 1 the customer is always right
number 2 when the customer is wrong,he is still right!

you attract alot more flies with honey then piss vinegar.
if you sucked it up and told this guy
i will do whatever it takes to make you happy no charge on me.
it was my fault we had a communication break down and
i will take care of it.

this is how we roll on the job
and guess what?
after 25 years,never,ever one single complaint
and enough referral work that there is no need to advertise!

if you were like what i just said,
i just might of been inspired to dig out a 2 speed and use your service
but now i think if there are any issues that might come up
what will happen to me?
do i get a free public berating if something goes wrong and
there is a break down with communication between us?

putting your dirty laundry out in public for all to see
is not a good idea..

if you want to berate me for saying what i think
go for it
better have tried before and um... laugh2