Dude, you got what you paid for.
I explain to every 2 speed customer that if the exterior is pitty that it can take nly be fixed with prime and fill due to the contours of the case, which I do for time and materials.
If you were not happy why did you not contact me and say so.
I would have told you to send it back and pay the time and materials to prime and sand.
So if you are a lazy POS it's not my fault.
No reason to go on a forum and trash me.

This is a load of crap. People in the resto business buy up cores for parts to ensure that the unit they ship out is "as new" or "factory fresh". If you're shipping anything short of this you're not a serious player. Could you just imagine sending a busted up heater box to a restorer and getting back the same piece of junk only its nice and clean or they haven't repaired or replaced the leaky core !!! Doesn't happen. Clean up your act or get outta Dodge !! And by the way ... your products should be priced accordingly. One price - one level of quality ... "factory fresh".