Here's another way:
Cavalier rack install [/quote]
that's simple enough ! those drawings could be pretty close to possibly be tweeked enough to be used on a plymouth chassis, although i would have to look under one to know for sure, and it has been close to 35 years since i sold my '48 sedan. i have heard of the GM rack conversion for many years, but have not been around a car that has had this done. one question i have is, how good is the turning radius with the conversion ? this just comes to mind because i rode in a 55 chevy [i know, not related to this mod, but..] this weekend that had a rack kit of some kind installed, and it took a 40 acre field to turn around in, plus it really didn't steer all that good to boot. i realize the alignment could have been off, but i wasn't impressed at all ! [nor with the car either, but there is another story there to tell.....] a guy could mod the arms on the plymouth to help with the radius if needed. comments ?