I think you are mistaken.
the rotor pointing to number 1 is not fixed. by rotating the distributor and reindexing where number 1 is on the cap, I can change the relative position between the pick up and the rotor/number 1 on the cap.

Now Megasquirt needs the degree angle difference based on the degrees on the crank, between when the sensor in the distributor gets the first signal and where number 1 rotor is pointed.

a change in where number 1 is pointed by just shifting plugs on the cap by 1 plug tower, changes that by 90 degrees.
but that is too much as it would put me past where the software can handle it.

If I can get it to move only half the distance then I should be good.
I believe I can do that by moving the gear allowing the line up to be less than before.
I have to figure out which way and all, but I believe that should work.