Wow that slip isn't very pretty is it? There are several things to check,but IMO changing the cam wouldn't be the first choice although I'd go larger and keep the 108lsa. Something in the tune would be the first place to dig. Have you a wide band o2 to monitor your fuel curve? Timing is also worth looking at,are you running a locked out dist? The converter also has me curious? 8"? was it tailored for this combo? I wonder why it's not picking up more MPH from the 1/8 to 1/4. 25 or so would be more normal,IMO. What are the details on your fuel system? Are your valvesprings the correct piece and setup correctly? I had a friend the was having similar problems,we found a front brake line had collapsed internally causing one brake to drag and scub a few tenths.

Last edited by goldmember; 01/23/09 06:17 PM.