There are three different stock type pressure plates used in the three bmajor brands, diaprahm in GM, Borg and Beck in Mopars and long style in Fords. You can use them on the after market flywheels as long as you get all the parts needed to make them work like the throw out bearing and so on. If your using a factory stock bell housing you can't, as far as I know, switch flywhels and use the same starter. The bell housing starter mounts are fix so you can't move the starter, not the same on a scatter shield. The scatter sheilds that I have used (Ansen and Lakewewood brands)have several starter mounting holes so you can change the flywheel size and move the starter as needed IHTHs

Mr.Cab Racing and winning with Mopars since 1964. (Old F--t, Huh)