Many thanks.
Interesting thing about luck, sometimes it works for you, sometimes agin you. I had probably the worst light I ever had in the semi. Into the final against Andre, and he was struck.

The reason I go to the nats is to see people I really like. Was one short this year, but beyond that still had the chance to visit with many others.

Many thanks to Andre. He organized the class, put his own money into it, and is a true gentleman. He is one of the people that helps keep your faith in humanity. Maybe some day though, he will understand about pockets t shirts.

I hope we get to do this next year. I will volunteer to be the official PIA to the race director, maybe we'll get a 2nd time trial.

Also, thanks to Brewers. It is great that a company that deals with manual transmissions/parts would support manual transmission racing.

66 Belvedere Vert, 4 Speed/Jerico, slowly, very slowly, getting faster - NA LD Wedge
New New Best: 10.56 @129
68 B'cuda 4 gear Jerico - Another New Best of 9.86 & Trying to slow up