Originally Posted By 6bblFLASH
Originally Posted By madscientist
Some how we have gotten to the point where guys making 600 real HP (as the OP says he is) don't think they need an aftermarket block. Not only is reliabilty down using P car blocks so is your HP. Your tune up window is significantly reduced, so a minor tuning error will cost you big time.

If you can't afford/want an aftermarket block, think about a reduction in HP and RPM. What you are using was never designed to have done to it what you are doing. All the tricks in the world won't help that.

I totally understand your point,but thats kind-of a D--k comment.
Am I to undertstand I drive a car to work with rust on it not realizing they sell rust-free ones?
WHO races wore-out junk if they can afford new stuff?

"Just buy a new one"
Sorry,,,that just kinda chaps my a--z
Why is that a d&^k comment and why does it chap your azz. He wasn't trying to be cute, only stating absolute facts. You are making a good bit more power than a P (passenger) car block was ever intended to make, not to mention they are all nearly 40 years old and have been through no telling what, BEFORE you ever get hands on it to make a race car motor out of it. It may have had the hell beat out of it long before you ever saw it. His point is and we all keep talking about it.........chances are VERY good, that if you build what you had, you will likely get similar results. SO, options are, buy a better block, or lower the potential of that happening again, by reducing stress on the factory block, which generally means reducing the power level.

I am sure you already know what you SHOULD do, so no need to get upset when somebody gives you that advice, because it's not what you want to hear. You obviously have the option to use a stock block again, all he is saying is don't be surprised when you break another one. And how many stock block motors does one build, before the good block would have been cheaper in the long run

I have made over 1000hp on stock blocks before and have broken several as well, but that was a long time ago, when choices were VERY limited. Knowing what I know NOW and the results I have personally had, my stock block builds will be limited to not much more than warmed over street/strip stuff. I just don't care to invest the money, time and effort into something I can't depend on. Don't matter if a 100 guys come on here and say how their so and so Hp stock block motor has been living for a 100 years. That is not MY experience and now, obviously not yours either

Last edited by Monte_Smith; 07/28/15 06:05 PM.