

I am not a fan of "Girdles" and would never run one..


okay what is it you dont like about the girddle idea?

Just personal preference, but in my opinion, the girdle does not help, but actually hurts the situation. The main web in the block is the weak link, not the cap. Cap walk (cap bounce really) generally breaks the cap, beats the main web out of the block and then breaks the crank. You install a better cap, but it still bounces and breaks the block. The motor is always trying to throw the crank out the bottom. Just a natural thing that you can't stop. So a girdle ties it all together, but you still have the same forces in action, only now, they are all concentrated to the main web, which is the weak link to start with. Alum caps and rods, will absorb some of the shock and not transfer the brunt of it to the main webs. Some, many actually, will not agree, but this is the way I see it. I have heard the other side and I don't buy it. All I can go on is my own experiences. And that is, that I have built some pretty high HP, stock block motors, that had a ton of passes put on them. Never had one of those motors with alum caps and rods, break a block. These girdles for Mopars have been around for years, it is nothing new. I saw the first one in the 70s. My dad bought one for his Super Stock car in about 1974 and after inspection, it did not go on. The first one I actually saw on a motor, was one of Dvorak's stockers. They were kind of popular, then faded out. Koffel, also made them years ago. They seem to have a new following these days, but as I said, nothing new.


Oh yeah. The first set of alum caps I saw, was also in the 70s. My dad ran SS, but was also an engineer at a major industrial plant, plus he built all his own motors. He drew up a set and had the machine shop at the plant, whittle them out. My dad was pretty innovative. He petitioned NHRA to allow the manual carbs for Six Pack cars, and got it passed. He had the first roller bearing pinion support for a 9" Ford, that the Phlanx corporation ever made. He has the Weiand Six Pack Tunnel Ram, before Rossi had it.