Originally Posted By Dan@Hotchkis
If you can talk the talk and walk the walk we can usually figure it out pretty quick.
If you want us to pay your medical bills and repair your freshly restored car because you installed a leaf spring upside-down; it snapped in half and poked out your eye, it isn't going to happen and we have to cover our butts. Its the sad litigious nature of the world we live in these days.

AS you or anyone professional should, because if you don't all takes is one to shut your doors and we have no more parts to buy, nobody wins,

As far as the "licensed" requirement, I wonder if there is indeed a license requirement or availability in all 50 sates your products are sold in. I would think dropping licensed and changing the requirement to "experienced" would be a compromise, allow a lot of latitude for interpretation from both sides and be practical. twocents

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.