Took a chance and purchased s Repro manual wiper tank. The 5/16 overflow hose will attach to the nipple at the bottom. Just put on a 3/8 spring clamp to secure the hose. My overflow hose exits out towards the driver side. So I purchased a bulk length of 5/16 overflow hose. The hose exits as it normally does, but I had the hose routed below the radiator towards the wiper tank. The overflow hose will lay on the radiator support. Very simple.
I then drilled a hole near the top of the tank that is hidden from view. The hole is just large enough so I could press in overflow hose so if it gets overfilled, it will vent to the ground.
Also purchased a radiator cap that is vented. The overflow did go into the tank and when the engine cooled, the coolant went back in to the radiator.