If you know how to use your spray gun (and it's a decent model, not a cheapie) I would say sand it and go for it...

I have a decent gun but had no idea what I was doing. My Dart looks like I painted it with a Hershey bar and then threw handfuls of dust and dirt at it fan

I had a local guy (one-man "custom" shop) do half my beater BMW (hood, roof and trunk) and blend the clearcoat down to the moldings on the fenders and rear quarters. I saved a lot of money by doing the sanding myself (almost ten hours with a DA and sanding block). The paint and clear coat cost me $270 and his labor for the rest was a very reasonable $400. Came out nice, although I wish I had been able to feel/see the several hail dings first! (That would have cost more, of course).

Here's the BMW, I won't show you the Dart because it's too embarrassing. whistling

Before (no clear coat and very little paint left on the roof and trunk):

After the sanding:

And after the guy who knew what he was doing painted it:

Well worth $400 to me not to mess it up and have to start all over! Not to mention building a paint booth from plastic sheet and lumber.

I have learned that painting cars is as much art as science and I don't have enough time, money or inclination to learn how to do it "right". I'm going to sand the Dart and have him paint it too.