Guys I'm behind the 8-ball this month.

I picked up an 87 CSX to teach the kids auto-crossing last month and it needed WAY more work than the former owner let on. Most of the car was a train wreck (but rust free) and it has taken most of the good part of a month to get the wiring fixed and other assorted ills.

Just imagine "everything broken" and that about covers it.

Long story short I still need to swap out a turbo, rack and pinion, alignment, windshield, inspection and plates.

The car was suppose to go to the body shop on this upcoming Monday for a quick single stage black paint job (the car has zero rust and a single ding the size of a quarter in the drivers door) but now the place is jammed up for weeks and the 25th annual Shelby national convention is only 5 weeks away.

Thinking about sanding the car down this weekend in the garage, hitting it with Summit epoxy primer, blocking it and then hitting it with Summit Hot Rod black satin paint.

Mind you I have not painted with a gun in 20 years and even then didn't know what the heck I was doing.

Crazy plan or not? The car isn't worth a pile of money so the fact it is hot rod stain black instead of gloss black doesn't bother me. I think it would be kinda cool and different than the other 750 1987 CSX made that year.

Any tips or tricks would be appreciated, I'm running out of time.



"I think its got a hemi"