


That's BS.
The gears aren't set up properly.
He's blowing smoke at you.
Need to find someone else that knows what they're doing, and talking about.
When i first started out as an auto mechanic, i worked at a shop doing differentials, here in my city.

The other common Fallacy is that the lower you go the more they will whine, BULLS$heet I say. I have run gear sets as low as 5:13's in a street car that were quiet as a church mouse. I've run 3:91's, 4:10's, 4:30's, 4:56's, 4:88's and 5:13's. ALL QUIET noise wise WHEN SET UP PROPERLY. IF one is talking about special RACE only sets that could be a different story.

And it is the same guys that can't get the gears to be quiet that can't get a 8.75 to last behind a slant 6. IT IS ALL IN THE SET UP!!!! Some guys break them time after time after time and say the rear is junk, then other guys set them up and they last for really long times. I am shocked at how many shops I have seen guy replace a pinion seal on a crush sleave rear and just tighten the nut with a big ole impact, there are not a lot of guys who reeeeeealy understand how to set up a hypoid gear.

I am not causing global warming, I am just trying to hold off a impending Ice Age!