
The closet I can get to that according to my program would be the following

That also means I went the wrong way again.

I don't really care about chasing et, just want to optimize the set up for consistency.

Once you get the right setup, you will get both. I would go a tad shorter, say 36 to 38 inch out, and about 7 to 8 inch high for starters. That is close to a ladder bar setup, but just a tad softer due to the length. My thinking is be just above 100 percent anti squat. Too much anti squat try's to raise the back of the car too violently, and the force applied momentarily pushes the nose down due to the opposite and equal reaction around the Cg. That momentary force only lasts for a very short instant, but it puts energy into the front end in the wrong direction. I believe a 10.30 car is too fast for that to work. Another thing is spring rates. Too much is a killer. Too little needs a lot of shock to control. What do you have on both ends?

8..603 156 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky