
Then skip the eagle kit.

What is the bore of the block ? to get 512 I'm having to go out to a 4.380 bore. unless the block needs it I would only bore it out as far as it needs to go and no further.

Crunching numbers the 17cc dish piston is your best choice , it will give you about 10.3 ...

Bore is 4.375, was previously .040 and cleaned up nice at .050. When I calculate the CR with 17cc dish I'm getting 10.8 w/ 80cc heads. Are you using 84cc? I'm using this site:

I used 84cc because that was what you said . I used that site just now and come up with 10.39 with an 84cc head and 17 cc piston dish.

I'm using 4.410 and .041 for the gasket, piston at .001 in the hole.

Have you had the block sonic checked ? What year is it ?