Tom -- Your Valient is a great project and you're proving what it can do. Plus, your driving skill must be pretty good, too!

I'd be interested to see IF anyone would build up a shorter wheelbase 67-9 B'Cuda notchback (108" vs Dart/Valient having 110-111?) in the same/similar fashion you've done. The shorter wb of the 'Cuda would be an advantage in tight manuevering through pylons and short/tight radius turns, etc. Maybe the 'Cuda would be a little lighter in weight, as well?

MoPower to ya!

Mopar Mitch "Road racers and autocrossers go in deeper and come out harder!"... and rain never stops us from having fun with our cars... in fact, it makes us better drivers! Check out MOPAR ACTION MAGAZINE, August 2006 issue for feature article and specs on my autocross T/A!