We had tried Afcos on the Buick before and I wasn't impressed, so I put Santhuffs all the way around on it and they are really good shocks. Mark Menser came to us last year and wanted us to try some of his on the rear. He uses Afcos that he revalves to his specs. Told him my experience with the Afcos and he said that if they didn't work better than the Santhuffs on the rear, he would buy them back. He said the Santhuff was a GREAT shock, but he thought his were better for small tires and high horsepower. So we gave him a shot. The last two races on radials we have been (3) 1.06s (2) 1.08s (1) 1.07 (1) 1.09 and (2) 1.10s.......guess they work
