
They put muriatic acid and chlorine in pools and your kids drink it, how they doing?

again, this is not the same thing as using it to eat metal and rust away.

PURE HCL in a pool is just going to up the ph a bit. when it disassociates in water, you get H + and CL -
which is not a harmful (in small enough amounts) item causing polution.

Where as the oil and gunk you are taking off these parts, mixing in with the HCL and converting to some sort of salt, CAN be harmful.

And yes, we aren't talking about thousands of pound YOU are generating by your self.
but if every person did it, how much then?

your argument is the same thing that people used in the past to justify poising the environment.
it doesn't hold water.

Now don't take me for an environmental wack job.
I don't care if we burn the planet down.
I don't conserve fuel, water or air.
but I sure don't want to poison myself either if I could help it.

being the guy that baths in irradiated water after a nuke blast because you don't know it is bad for you is one thing.

being the guy that eats rat poison because red dye number 5 doesn't cause cancer anymore is just dumb.