I got it....I removed the actuator assembly on the axle slowly,with an inspection mirror and discovered I missed engaging the sliding gear collar with the actuator fork.I had a suspicion that might have happened.There is a lot of space before the fork slides over the collar.Put it back together and NOTHING..Now What....I swapped the lil vacuum hoses going to the actuator and PRESTO........The front axle now turns when transfer case lever is engaged and transmission is in gear....... The indicator light does not light on the dash telling it is in 4x4 mode.I will chase that down with a meter at the end of the actuator tomorrow.I got to run to O-Reilly,s and get some silicone sealer for the front cover,I discovered I was out of it...Hope all this helps someone else who is working on their truck.....

Do Something..Lead..Follow..or get the {Beep} out of the way..