
I think you're right buddy, I should have borrowed some MSD pills for the 2 step. And your right, every time it's going quicker and quicker.

Yeah I didn't even think about the air and track temps, the starting line was pretty good for Rockingham but the track temps sucked. So all things considered I was really happy and never even touched the motor the whole day...even still I don't think I'll get real happy until it's solidly in the 10's.


Or why not, as you said a year ago:

"But even If the guy next to me ran a 10.99 in a z06 or whatever then I would have just let my Mopar stroker EAT and busted off a 10.79 and carried the wheels the first 100 feet ;-)....just sayin' ."

It's been a year, why not let that bad boy "eat" finally ? If it would have "busted off" a 10.79 a year ago....should run low 10's after adding a new converter and bigger headers.