
Are we talkin' cage here or just mild to Moly in general?

I've mig welded the two a few times over the years in "non critical" applications with no problems.

Just did the 7.50 upgrade on the Charger the last couple weeks and tig welded the Moly to the old mild steel cage. Proud owner of an NHRA 7.50 sticker.

If its a chassis the first joint to mild( if adding
moly HAS to be tigged .. then each joint has to be
tigged if its moly.... IF by chance you are adding
mild to moly(chassis or cage set up)the first joint
where the moly and mild connect it has to be tigged
then all the rest of the mild can be migged... if
its not a cert thing, then yes you can mig it.. but
I dont like to.... I tend to tig even mild for a nicer
looking weld