
I wasn't going to post this but I decided that it was the best for all to know what type of character you'd be dealing with if you use him. I will say that overall I like the work, but as some have observed, there are some areas needing refinement in terms of correctness. Due to his reply to me (not his work) I won't be using him again in the future. IMO my questions/comments were valid and I made an attempt to be polite, you guys can make your own judgments.



Everyone thinks they are an expert. Here are the facts that I got directly from Eaton many years ago.

The bearings could have had 3 different color seals. Black, blue or yellow. Black was used the most.

The only color available now is black, (I got that info directly from SKF) and that is what I use. As for the stamps, I bought the set I have directly from Eaton. Those are the stamps they used originally. So to claim

they are incorrect shows you are wrong. If you are not happy with the results then don't send anymore to me.

You are only the third person that complained about the restoration. Three out of over 500 completed clutches

is something I can live with.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Mopar fan clutch
From: Scott Smith <bugframes@msn.com>
Date: Mon, April 07, 2014 9:48 pm
To: "info@pamperedcorvettes.com" <info@pamperedcorvettes.com>


I received the clutch today. Thank you. It looks very nice but it's lacking in some correct details. The original (and visible when installed) seals were brick red/orange color and the new one is black. Also the font style of the ink stamping isn't even remotely similar. Do you have any way of correcting these details on future jobs? I am willing to help in sourcing parts or patterns if interested, and if you can bring these things into the mix I can push a load of Mopar business your way. Please let me know.


WOW! I simply cannot stand arrogant douchebags like him...