I went through the parts you have inventoried on your web site and was impressed. There are a lot of detailed and dificult to repo parts.

I noticed you do not list some of the grill parts individually.

I am not beefing with you but why does nobody sell parts seperate. I need 1 turn signal lens for a 70 Barracuda, I also need 1 turn signal lens for a 74. Rather than buy 2 pair of lenses and leave the extra ones on the shelf I find myself looking for Ebay fodder or luck out at a swap meet instead. I'm not picking on you because everyone seems to sell pairs of items like that instead of individually but many of us don't need both parts of the pair, just one.

Besides when it comes to a complete high dollar grill I feel like I could better afford buying a piece at a time rather than all at once. I know it isn't the business plan that would save a dying company but it has to help sales somewhat.