
I think Mike side tracked his own post by bringing up "the same situation we are currently in with the 70 Cuda grille assembly".
It leads to the question ... What situation? Now we know for better or worse.

Yep. And considering to scrap a different product that the public feels positive toward side tracks things also.


I know....I know....it's always more interesting to watch a train crash and burn than it is to simply watch it roll effortlessly down the track.

If you're driving that train and dangers ahead (asking the public for an opinion) don't keep throwing coal on the fire.

Just keep it to bare numbers, comparasions, simple and objective. Maybe something like...

-Do you think the market will buy (1)more, (2)less, or (3) the same 71 Cuda grilles priced at $799 compared to 70 grilles?
-And reasons to back up your choice?

-Who is considering buying a 71 Cuda grille for $799 in the same quality as the BEA 70 grilles within the NEXT YEAR? And why?

-Who is considering buying a 71 Cuda grille some point in the future? And why?

I assume Mike has actual data on units of 70 Cuda grilles sold. That's actual data. We the public have no idea of the units allready sold. But I think we can comment on realative demand of a similar product at a given price.

Let's give Mike the best information we can. It's only in our best interests (except for someone sitting on a bunch of used and NOS 71 Cuda grilles).