
Looks like a factory stamp to me.

My guess is that the person who was stamping the engine and trans forgot to change the VIN# prior to striking it, realized the mistake, corrected the VIN#, and then heavily struck it to cover up the mistake.

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! You guys are so quick to jump to a rebody/restamp theory. Look, it is a lonely 340 car. The motor is long gone. Someone on the assembly line made a mistake. There could be any number of reasons. They caught it corrected it and moved on. They did not think about 40 years from now someone on this board placing any value on a set of numbers much less questioning the validity of the car. Those stamps are factory, pure and simple. If someone was going to do a restamp, then the old number would have been milled off. Do you really think a worker is going to stop the assembly line and tell his boss he screwed up a stamp job? I remember one of the old timers on the board who told of a new hire on the Chrysler line that was stamping the uni bodies. He was really fast. When they got to watching him, he was not changing the numbers for each car! No telling how many uni-bodies he stamped with the same number!