I was in the staging lanes probably 2 pairs behind the funny car when it fired up and saw the whole thing go down.

It was unbelievable, to say the least.

"apparently" the driver was unable to see the cars on the starting line because of the glare from the windshield.....but he could see his own cew man giving him the "OK" to start his burn out.

He had NO instruction from the official in the burn out area to start his burn out, some of us wonder IF he had the go ahead to even start his car.

From my car all I remember was....hearing the funny car start up and I thought that was "odd" , I look to the starting line and there is a bit of a delay with the clocks, next thing I hear is this motor revving , and I think ..."Who is doing their burnout...there are still cars on the line and no one is looking at the burn out box and then...this funny car comes flying out of no where and smashes in to the back of the Mustang.

It sure could've been a bad situation, and thank fully no one was seriously hurt. It could've ben a lot worse.
