As autoxcuda pointed out, there are some specific design differences in the Hotchkis products that differentiate them from most other parts out there. They are also designed to work together as a system to achieve very linear and predictable results with a minimal amount of effort. For that benefit, you pay a package price, which as others have said, can vary widely from outlet to outlet.

Are they worth it, the answer to that question may vary considerably from user to user. What is your intended application and how often is it used that way, what's your budget in $$, what's your budget in time, what is your mechanical ability, and what is your mathematical ability ( which will also be coupled with what amount of time, effort, and money are you willing to put into researching and understanding the dynamics and applications of suspension theory to under stand how to do all the "cipherin" necessary to combine the ideal mix of components to achieve similar results).

Can you duplicate their results, absolutely...and you can do it for a quarter of the cost, IF, you know why they did what they did, where to source similar components, or how to modify them to get those results, and then test them to validate the calculations.

Or you can buy their kit, install it over a weekend, and be back on the road with minimal downtime, headaches, and hassles.