


...just want it quieter for cruising with the wife.

You do understand that you then have to listen to everything she says right?
And, even answer her every question/remark/nag during that entire trip...!?
There might even be a chance you actually have to have an actual 'conversation' with her.
And don't even think you can get away with an occassional "Uh huh"-reply. You're toast if she catches you doing that.

I think I'd rather listen to that open airfilter roar for some 2-3 hours myself...

OK, you caught me, I was trying to blame it on the wife. But its mostly me. Just getting old I guess, don't like riding in loud cars as much as I used too...lol
And I'm assuming most of the time I'm out in the car, I'll be alone. But it would be nice to hear the radio.