

Could you please explain what pulling out timing means?

instead of just opening the coil primary circuit when triggered by the dist coil pickup it improperly electronically delays that precise moment at higher RPM's which retards the timing (kinda like a dialback timing light does). An ECU is only supposed to open/close that circuit when triggered by the dist but evidently something is electronically wonky in some of the newer orange boxes causing it to do something (delaying the opening of that wire) that it should not be doing

Robert I don't think something is wonky in the electronics , I think it's by design. Before the current Mallory internals of the supplied with the electronic conversions the distributors supplied had 30 degrees or more of mechanical advance. The easiest way to make a one size fits all conversion was to have the electronics pull out timing instead of instructing the end user to do the trial and error process of welding the slots to limit mechanical advance.