
When you find suitable hose, please share the brand, stock name and how you can positively identify the stuff. I have seen a lot of hose offered for sale and very little of it is the Teflon lined that is impervious to fuel of all kinds. Seems that many vendors are trying to dump their old stock.

Most hose now days has a liner in it... 2 liners are
used on a normal basis... the Teflon and Viton...
both are impervious to most chemicals and all fuels...
to spot it you can look at the end of the hose...
you will see a different color on the inner(usually
a darker color)but you will see a distinct line where
the two products are bonded... for regular fuel hose..
the injected hose it will say "EFI" on the hose..
this will have the liner...EFI hose also has a higher
burst rating... its sorta hard to find the old carb
hose now days(which was NON lined hose)