
Yep, the tunnel ram is best, but too many people are afraid of tuning 2 carbs even though in reality it's easy.

I agree the tunnel ram makes great power but no way would I ever cut a hole in the hood of my 63 to run a tunnel ram. Now my brother runs a tunnel ram on his 64 and he likes it alot but he uses the 64 Hemi scoop thats way taller then the stock one as his looks to be about a 5" scoop to fit the tunnel ram under it. But I dont care so much for the taller then stock Max Wedge and Hemi scoops so what I use needs to fit under my stock max wedge scoop. Here is my brothers 64 with the tunnel ram and scoop. I am just not a big fan of the taller scoops like his. Just dont tell my brother ! Ron

Last edited by 383man; 03/13/13 10:40 PM.