I got this PM

You have a very nice balanced and robust package IMO. Couple of questions, are your front rims maxed out clearance/size/BS wise at 9" wide and whatever your BS was? Are your brakes 100% up to the task or are you likely tweaking them further such as brake ducts, etc? You seem like one to baby the car on the track. I'm trying to see if that robust brake package is near its limit or still has reserve, seems with that motor, and car weight you are nearing the edge, but I'm just guessing here.

Regarding race seats, I got my son a Racetech integral headrest seat for his 5.0 track car, its got to be the safeset solution, although if used on street it might get extra LEO attention.

Again very nice set-up.
you seem like one to baby the car on the track

I like to beat the crap out of my cars ask skatpk

"Were in it to win it. Anything less will end up being..... A whole lot of fun doing!!" UNLAWFL