
what would be your estimate of the percent of your radiator that is covered by the two electric fan's ?

are they fitted to one shroud
with two fan openings that covers the entire radiator,
or do they each have a separate individual shroud?

The majority of the radiator needs to be covered by the fan shrouds. If it's not covered it's capacity is wasted. That would be like taking a radiator and sticking it in your trunk.

Since the pusher fan was brought up earlier I will mention that it's a bad idea to rely on a pusher fan for primary cooling. They work well for additional cooling but only at low speed or when the car is stationary.
Most fans can not move air faster than the car does at highway speeds. The air ends up getting blocked by the fan and your car can actually heat up.
When I tried twin pusher fans the car ran hotter on the highway with the fans on.

We are brothers and sisters doing time on the planet for better or worse. I'll take the better, if you don't mind.
- Stu Harmon