Daytona, Different strokes for different folks. You don't like electric fans, that's cool. it's your car, do as you want.

but when a guy comes on here asking about electric fans because that's what he wants to run...arguing that mechanical fans work fine and that's all he needs to do is run a mechanical...seems kind of silly.

Some of us LIKE the efficiency of electric fans. Again...mechanical runs ALL THE TIME. even when you're running down the highway at 70 mph. do you need the mechanical fan to cool down your headers and your carb when you're driving down the road? at that point, the mechanical fan becomes an unnecessary load on the engine. it's not needed, but you can't shut it off.

Electric fans, again only run when you need them to. I've not ever had an issue while idling or driving in stop and go traffic in town, where my carb got too hot to cause me problems, and if that was seriously an issue, I doubt so many people would be running electric fans on their carburated engines.

You don't like electric fans due to a list of reasons. got it. noted. thanks! did you provide any answer to the guys question though?

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