


My only concern now is that my block is already machined, and I can't get it remachined...so I want to pour the stuff, but am worried about the best way to do so without moving the block i.e. torque the mains down I know, but do I need to put a head on afterwards and torque it so the cylinder doesn't shift, or???

The only thing you can do now is torque the mains,
put 1 head on and torque... the level the other
side in both fore and aft and side to side... fill
it to the point you want and then install the head
and torque... give it 2 days min then do the other side

Thats what I was planning on doing, that stuff exactly...I hope its enough for the cylinders to not shift

Experiment with the cement. From what I gather you have plenty of it. I could be wrong but the problem with cement shrinking is that it cures to fast.
IMO the longer it takes to cure, the stronger the cement
Pour some in a metal cup and see how it cures. Mix some metal shaving in it. :