

20 spread 4lbs fuel and 5* total timing

That doesn't tell me much...I have no idea how many lbs/hour of nitrous you're using....have no idea if you have quench....have no idea if you have a domed piston...have no idea if your carburetor's A/F ratio is dialed in and maxed out...have no idea what the A/f ratio is...Is that someone's starting tune up, or is that where you've come to and it's no longer going any quicker by leaning it out?

4psi isn't necessarily bad but that's getting really close to being low enough to not get good flow to all the nozzles or filling up the spray bars so you can get good/even distribution....

I've seen you post that you have a RacePak...What's the A/F ratio on spray? At what A/F did the motor make max power on nuts? Even with a 20 jet spread and 4psi, if the A/F is in the 10's or 11's you have a long way to go...

If you can't handle the truth, you're living a lie.......