
It's not any theory of mine,but something that Chrysler engineers had proclaimed and informed racers of years ago that on a adverage 10 second pass at aprox. 8000rpm and to retain enough volume in the sump 10 quarts would need to circulate 3Xs.I've never had any reason to confirm or refute this claim,but had an incident where Mark Davis and I was testing a Milodon dual line system with a drill and 2 five gallon buckets with 8 quarts of oil.While priming the pump up to about 1800rpm,Mark found himself covered in most the 8 quarts before he could face the pump outlet to the second bucket and I could release the drill trigger alot less than 10 seconds.Also keep in mind that at any given rpm that more than 1/2 the sump volume is in the engine not the pan.Also consider the amont of oil in a drysump system that does circulate on even quicker passes.
We need also to consider some adverage bracket engine that have 10quart sumps and 3quart accumulators(13qts)and at the end of the pass when the pressure drops on hard decel and accumulator has to back up the system,where is all that oil.
I'am not going to say my refrence of the claim and findings of Chrysler engineers of 1970s is the final fact,but I'll buy it till someone can prove otherwise.Maybe it's a sales gimmick to get us to buy big pumps,pans and tons of oil.Maybe someone will try the Mark and Bob experiment with a stopwatch and report back to us.

You have to remember, most of the oil is just pumping against resistance . The amount of oil actually flowing is what all the bleed off clearances in the engine will allow...........